What is the role of the general practitioner in chronic disease?

general practitioner

Managing chronic diseases and ailments is not easy. It requires knowledge and experience in chronic illness management. GPs or general physicians can help people with chronic illness to manage their condition and lead a normal life. So, if you have a chronic health problem or are looking for effective ways to manage chronic health problems as a primary consultation then you have come to the right place.

Today, we will discuss the role of the general practitioner in chronic disease primary management. 

First point of contact

General practitioners are your first point of contact when you are having a health problem. They are the primary healthcare providers who offer diagnoses of chronic health problems and essential chronic disease diagnosis and refer the right specialist for the treatments of high risk cases. GPs are not specialists but they lead patients to go and visit specific specialist for further investigation and treatment. 

Moreover, they act as a doorkeeper and prevent chronic health problems.

Building a strong team for chronic health problem management

A general practitioner is responsible for creating a team consisting of multidisciplinary healthcare providers to provide personalised care to patients with chronic health management. Most chronic health problems come with unique symptoms so the personalised approach works best for patients with chronic health problems for their primary consultation. Only GPs can tailor the team of multidisciplinary healthcare providers to bring the most suitable patient. 

Tracking your treatment progress

A general practitioner plays a vital role in chronic health problem management by tracking down the treatment progress and keeping a record of your treatment progress. They will closely follow your treatment progress and keep a note for future reference for further needed referral to a specialist. 


General physicians or practitioners have a vital role in keeping people healthy and safe by offering primary healthcare support. They also play a crucial role in chronic health problem management. Above, we have discussed the role of a general practitioner in managing chronic health problems such as providing primary healthcare support, creating personalised medical support teams, creating chronic disease management plans, etc. So, if you are looking for quality chronic health problem management support you can contact Malabar Medical Centre